You can hide your last seen, blue tick, second tick, typing message and many others.Fixed various bugs while sending videos.Added option for hide chats, save or download WhatsApp status.Inbuilt message scheduler- You can now schedule messages from GB WhatsApp.
Media auto download for specific groups or contacts only.You can share live location with your friend using live location share feature.Add effects in videos or images while sending.Revoke multiple WhatsApp messages at once.Send up to 100 documents at once instead of the original 30.You can enable DND mod, which will disable internet connection in GB WhatsApp.Send text messages broadcast to groups.You can filter messages while clear chat.You can play WhatsApp videos with your favorite music player.You can read group description in header like normal status.Added an option to mention someone’s name in WhatsApp group.Added Payment options that allows you to pay to your friends via bank account.Get notifications of revoked messages that the other person doesn’t want you to see.You can record long voice messages without continuously pressing the voice recording icon. The feature also allows you to exclude contacts and groups in the auto reply. You can set auto reply to incoming messages just in case you’re busy.These are some of the most popular GB WhatsApp Features that we think you shouldn’t miss out on:.